Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sure beats those annoying decals where Calvin is peeing on something...

I discovered this masterpiece on my way to work last week. It says, "I keep on drive that's the reason for I exist". No truer words have ever been spoken (or written).


앤디오빠 said...

Tragic. You would think, with all these foreigners, the owner of the car could ask one quickly "is this right?" and then change it if it's not (obviously, before it's stuck on the car). Would only take a few seconds.

I was at Dunkin' Donuts the other day, when there was a label that was missing a "h" in Chocolate something donut... which instantly made me think "Cocolate", but sounds like "cocklate"... eeewww

ambearo said...

I know eh? I think that about so many messed up English things here. (><)