Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I wonder how much lessons cost?

This is why you ALWAYS should hire a proofreader, even for small things. Or at the very least use spell check.


앤디오빠 said...

maybe the thing isn't so small after all... :p

Bybee said...

Wow, are the blogging queen this week.
Just finished Persuasion! That love letter from Wentworth was excellent.
Have to agree with Matt's assessment of Mr. Elliot. Everyone seemed a little harsh on Mrs. Clay, as he said, but JA didn't get to edit and polish this novel...if she had, I think more about Mrs. Clay would've been explained.

ambearo said...

Well Andy, I'd hope it wasn't small if I'm paying... ^.~

I am the blogging queen but not the reading queen... (>.<) I only read half the book...