Sunday, February 04, 2007

Ben's Birthday

So now that I am finished report cards and Matt is not on the computer (he's editing his play so that Kristybruce and her cronies can stage it so I guess I can't complain) I have a lot of blog catching up to do. On January 24th we had a little birthday party at school for the kids who had a birthday in January. For Lion class, this meant little Ben. It was a pretty simple state of affairs but nonetheless Ben was really jubiliant despite not being able to eat much of his cake (he's allergic to eggs). His mom did send an ice cream cake on Monday though (which was his actual birthday) so I think that made up for it. I wish I'd had my camera then since the cake was really awesome and in the shape of a sheep. The kids had a good time and got a little messy (Brian had to change his shirt) and Ben had the magical felt birthday crown bestowed upon him for 30 minutes. See it all here.

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