Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Degradation of Spiderman

Look what Korea has done to Spiderman! If it wasn't enough to accessorize him in jade beads (I suppose red and green are complimentary colors) they had to also put him in a diaper!?! I took this picture in Gangnam when we were with Eddie and Gisela. It was challenging because this is a very crowded part of Seoul. I also thought the woman running the booth might yell at me for taking pictures. However she helpfully held Spidey up so I could get a better shot. ^^


Carter said...

Spiderman in a diaper! LOVE IT!

I think it was one of those baby versions of Spiderman, right? They have those of Batman and Robin, too.

Bybee said...

Damn, poor Spidey...