Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Chi Chis Are Boobs

So the highlight of today was when Steven made a grabbing motion and said to me, "Amber Teacher, chi chis fat". Kelly and I almost died laughing. Then Kelly informed me that Steven's mother once told Kathy Teacher (the secretary) that both of her sons like big boobs because she doesn't have any. Oh the comedy these children supply me. Like when my other class was practicing reading and the word was 'ditch'. Yeah, so they get ds and bs mixed up alot here and this student was an especially loud and confident reader. Sort of like my other student who yelled out 'clap' but used the r sound accidently. They all probably think I am insane when I am laughing my butt off but can't tell them why.


Anonymous said...

I love it! Kids really do say the darndest things.

Anonymous said...

that's so cute!

Hector said...

You know, chiches is Spanish for Chichis, ain't that interesting?