Sunday, October 01, 2006

Birthday Cake Nazi

So the other week we were celebrating September birthdays at Little Brown. Here's a cute picture of Matt's kindergarten classes in the midst of birthday jubilation. They don't screw around here though. If your class doesn't have a kid in it with a birthday that month there is no cake for you! Yep, every class had a birthday except for my four year olds (well there is only 5 of them, you do the math). Try explaining to four year olds in any country why every other student in the school gets delicious cake while you only get a yogurt drink, but that next month we get cake since it will be Daniel's birthday. That was a tough day in Lion class and I had a lot of crying little boys on my hands. Poor Steven was inconsolable for a good 10 minutes. Eventually Kathy teacher (who is actually the school secretary and speaks no English) scrounged up a single piece of cake from who knows where and Kelly and I used chopsticks (yes, even for cake) to pop pieces in thier tiny, quivering mouths. Thank goodness for Kathy teacher overruling the Birthday Cake Nazi (similar to the Soup Nazi, but more Korean) and saving the day. No wonder the kids all love Kathy teacher.


Anonymous said...

So freaking cute!!! No wonder the kids all love Amber teacher!!!

ambearo said...

Aww! heheh...